Hetedik mennyország

Hetedik mennyország
(7th Heaven)

A filmsorozat magyar tartalma:
A hetedik mennyország a Camden család életébe kalauzol, ahol az apa tiszteletes, az anya pedig hét rakoncátlan gyereket nevel.

Hetedik mennyország (7th Heaven) sorozat angol tartalma:
This weekly television series follows the Camden family as the minister father and stay-at-home mother deal with the drama of having seven children, ranging from toddlers to adults with families of their own. The friends, neighbors, and love interests of the various members of the family weigh heavily on the plot of the series, which seeks to address a real-life issue with each episode.IMDb

Hetedik mennyország filmsorozat szereplő(k):
Stephen Collins (Eric Camden tiszteletes)
Catherine Hicks (Annie Jackson-Camden)
Barry Watson (Matt Camden)
David Gallagher (Simon Camden)
Jessica Biel (Mary Camden)
Beverley Mitchell (Lucy Camden Kinkirk)
Mackenzie Rosman (Ruthie Camden)
Adam LaVorgna (Robbie Palmer)
Lorenzo Brino (Sam Camden)
Nikolas Brino (David Camden)
Geoff Stults (Ben Kinkirk)
George Stults (Kevin Kinkirk)
Ashlee Simpson (Cecilia Smith)
Rachel Blanchard (Roxanne Richardson)
Jeremy London (Chandler Hampton)
A filmet rendezte:Brenda Hampton
amerikai vígjátéksorozat, 45 perc, 1996

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Author: admin